Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday + snow = SUPER FUN!

We woke this morning to 1-2 more inches of snow - pretty typical for this time of year. And while the snow is starting to be a bit of a bother, it's still pretty and fluffy and fun to play in!

Most of the time it's John who takes the kids out to play in the snow...but yesterday when I picked the kids up from school and we passed the park on our way home, I told them we'd play at the park this weekend! AND SO WE DID!

Across the wiggly bridge...

The spiral slide is more fun when you ride the snow all the way down! 

And here's Keith! 

Every slide was a new adventure - this one was super fast!

To fast to land on their feet! 

 And another slide! 

SWINGS! (love the tongue in this one)

This is what happens when you go down the giant spiral slide on your tummy!

Keith LoVeS to eat snow! 

MY snow angel :) 


I love the days when we get to play together...we laugh, we run, we enjoy each other and the world in which we live. Our babies are not babies any longer...and the adventures we have with them are only getting better. Each day I never believe it possible...but each day I love them more. 



  1. You all have certainly had a load of snow this year! We have too, but definitely not as much as up north! I'm getting the snow blues I think, but it has been very pretty this year. I'm glad the kids are getting out and enjoying it! I can't believe how big they are getting; and kindergarten next year!? Wowzers!!!

  2. we love you so much and miss you bunches. wish i could play in the snow with you all. thanks for the great pics. lu you dadda
