Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday + snow = SUPER FUN!

We woke this morning to 1-2 more inches of snow - pretty typical for this time of year. And while the snow is starting to be a bit of a bother, it's still pretty and fluffy and fun to play in!

Most of the time it's John who takes the kids out to play in the snow...but yesterday when I picked the kids up from school and we passed the park on our way home, I told them we'd play at the park this weekend! AND SO WE DID!

Across the wiggly bridge...

The spiral slide is more fun when you ride the snow all the way down! 

And here's Keith! 

Every slide was a new adventure - this one was super fast!

To fast to land on their feet! 

 And another slide! 

SWINGS! (love the tongue in this one)

This is what happens when you go down the giant spiral slide on your tummy!

Keith LoVeS to eat snow! 

MY snow angel :) 


I love the days when we get to play together...we laugh, we run, we enjoy each other and the world in which we live. Our babies are not babies any longer...and the adventures we have with them are only getting better. Each day I never believe it possible...but each day I love them more. 


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Things have been pretty quiet around here lately so not much to report! BUT, I was ordering Teacher Appreciation gifts for Catholic Schools Week and uploading the kids class pictures from this year - thought I'd share!

They are both so cute in these pics and they love their school!

Keith's Class (Young 3's)

Alex's Class (Older 4's + 5's)

We are really blessed that the kids have such great teachers and are really being nurtured in preschool!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekend Wanderings...

After a very long week for all of us, we were happy to have the weekend to catch up on rest and some quality family time at home. Yesterday, we took the kids bowling - they L.O.V.E. bowling! It's a blast! We're even thinking of signing them up for a youth league on Saturday mornings (Shhhhhh...secret: I used to bowl when I was a little girl and I was pretty good!).

Today was a lazzzzzzy day around the house! Kids played and read to each other, colored and chased the dog around the house. And this evening, decided to build a "fort" out of blankets and their little table in the family room!



It's amazing how much fun this is!

Alex got two spares and a score of 80! She was very proud!

Alex loves to work with Keith on his letters and he's starting to show a real interest in writing! :)

Peek-A-Boo from the FamilyRoom Fort!

Sometimes...simple weekends like these are the aboslute best - rest and recovery for the soul!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SnOw DaYs WiTh DaD!

Wednesday are "DaDdY dAy" in our house and today's day was full of snow...actually, the last few days have been full of snow! The big flake, fluffy, and beautiful kind of snow! It's been sunny a little and so it's really beautiful. When I came home from the University today, I found the kids out back with John having a ball with shovels and snowblowers. Keith was clearing off the slide and the top of their tree house and Alex was at the bottom clearing out a place to land.

Here are a few smiles to warm your heart!

 I kept asking him to look at me...he was much too busy!

Clearing the way for Keep (that's what I call him these days)...what a good big sister!


Love those rosey cheeks :)

All smiles...that's MY girl!

AND...the handsome man in my life!

Be warm and well everyone,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January Jollies

The first few days of 2011 have been really great for us! The kids started back to school this week and are happy as can be. On their first day back, Alex's class did a crayon texture print of '2011'  and she also got a sweet note of praise from her teacher. Keith's class is studying the letter 'J' this week and he cut and pasted pictures of words that start with the letter.

Tonight Alex and I played "GO FISH!" while Keith played "SUPER Y" on his scooter (NOTE KEITH's FASHION STATEMENT: pull over, BuzzLightyear undies, and Spiderman snowboots - he's a fly guy!).

John and I start back to classes on Monday, Jan. 10th and tomorrow and Friday Alex and I visit a couple of our local schools to meet the principals and check out the Kindergarten programs. We can hardly believe it's already time to think about our first "baby" going to big kid school!


 GO FISH, mommy!

 "The difference betweeen you and me is I make this look GOOD!"

 Alex's crayon rubbing

 So proud of our sweet girl!

Keith is really doing great learning his letters and numbers. Getting to be such a big boy!

More jollies to come...

Saturday, January 1, 2011


We wanted to share a few of the special pictures from Christmas here in Akron. It was truly a magical holiday for us. For Alex, a BARBIE Christmas...and for sweet Keith - HOTWHEELS and boy toys all the way!

And so we go...RIDING OFF INTO A BEAUTIFUL, JOYFUL and PEACEFUL 2011!  From our family to yours, we wish you love, health, and happiness!