Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's been a while...

Since my last post and it seems like a lifetime has's been a trying couple of weeks. For those who don't know, my father was in a terrible car accident a week ago yesterday...the miracle of it all is that he literally walked away from the crash. After a life-flighted to and a short stay at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN, he returned home to Madisonville, Kentucky a couple of days ago. His road to recovery will be long. Prayers, thoughts and positive healing energies his way are most appreciated.

Here is the news story (click on title below):

Hopkins Man Hurt in Crash

When you see the pictures, you'll know that it was grace alone that saved my daddy...and I have rarely in my life known and truly felt the existance of a higher power  more than this (my marriage to John and the birth of my children among the other times...).

Upon receiving the news of his accident and his serious condition, Alexandra and I traveled to Nashville to be with him and the sister, Jessica, and her new baby boy Jackson also met us there along with my step-mom's children, Branden and his family, and Jordan. Visiting hours were limited so there were a few hours when we took some time out in Nashville with the kids - below are a few pictures from our difficult but really uplifting trip.

Alex + me + baby Jackson enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
It was amazing holding my new nephew for the first time! He is an amazing baby!

Beverly + Branden and their two children, Briana + Austin and baby Jax and me in the hospital cafe - we spent a great deal of our time here switching back and forth during visiting hours. The kids were real troopers!

Same group as above minus Branden + my sister, Jess (Jax's mommy)!

Alexandra and her "pink cow hat"

Alexandra with her new love - a horse!
This was right inside a dance hall off the strip!

Alexandra + baby Jackson...we couldn't get him to look at the camera...he was too smitten with the purple and yellow impatiens in the garden!

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers...I just spoke with my daddy and he is healing well at home and will return to Vanderbilt to have his nose reconstructed and another scan of his brain and next early this next week.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn,
    So happy to know your Dad is going to be ok. Sounds like God was watching over him. Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers has he begins his recovery.
